2/6: Elsa Morante

Today, we’ll discuss Writing Analytically Chapter 8: “Using Evidence to Build a Paper: 10 on 1 versus 1 on 10.” In small groups, we’ll discuss the following questions:

  • Group 1: What is a 1-on-10 approach? What are the limitations/dangers of the 1-on-10 approach?
  • Group 2: Name two major problems with the five-paragraph essay form. (*Bonus: who is Procrustes? What is procrustean?)
  • Group 3: What is the 10-on-1 approach? What are some of the advantages of the 10- on-1 approach?
  • Group 4: How can 10-on-1 generate the form of a paper?

Afterwards, we’ll zoom out to briefly consider who the ideal reader of an R1A paper might be.

Elsa Morante (Italy, 1912-1985)

Then, we’ll move into a 10-on-1-inspired group discussion of Elsa Morante’s “The Mirrors.” Together we will read the first full paragraph on p. 124 (“There. At this moment…”). As a group, we will begin to generate observations about this paragraph; a volunteer will write them down for us on the board. Make sure to consider both content and form!

Once we have our list of observations, we will start to discuss how we might construct an argument from these observations. What conclusions might we come to, based on the analysis we have done together? Do we notice observations that seem to lead us down different, perhaps even opposing, paths? If we begin to encounter difficulties, what are some ways we might address them?

Finally, we’ll assign the Close Reading Text, focusing on the first steps. We’ll keep reviewing pieces of the assignment over the next few classes, so please be sure to bring the assignment handout to class.


  • Close Reading Text prewriting due (submit via bcourses)
  • Read pages 75-116 of Jenny Zhang’s “Our Mothers Before Them” (from Sour Heart, 2017)
    • Note: the page numbers are the small page numbers from the book itself. Please read up through the phrase midway through pg. 116: “its creator could not have been more proud.”

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