2/27: Ferrante (contd.); Body paragraphs

Today we will continue our discussion of My Brilliant Friend. First, we will look at the first paragraph on p. 132 (“I pretended to be interested…”). You will have five minutes for a free-write on the following questions: 

Why do you think Lenù sees Lila’s interest in the shoes as unworthy? If we compare their pursuits – literature and writing for Lenù and shoemaking and design for Lila – how are they different? What kind of futures are these two characters imagining will result from their pursuits? 

Next, we will break up into groups of 3-4 and discuss what you wrote. Take notes as you discuss! Then, together as a class, we will share the results of your writing and groupwork.

We will also look at Chapter 16: the dance scene.

Then, in anticipation of your rough draft work, we’ll talk about building body paragraphs. We’ll look at samples to see what kinds of strategies can be used to integrate and interact with textual evidence.


  • Respond to two peersAnalytical Essay 1 theses by 12pm Sunday on bcourses Discussions
    • Please be sure to respond to people who don’t already have two responses
  • Read My Brilliant Friend, pages 153-209
  • Rough draft of Analytical Essay 1 due. (2-3 pages; no introduction, no conclusion, just a thesis and body paragraphs). Please turn in a printed copy in your writing folder and also submit an electronic copy on bcourses.
    • Reminder: your writing folder should also contain your interest inventory and the main writing assignments you’ve received feedback on so far (i.e. Intro Text, Close Reading Text). Please do not include handouts or any prewriting work.

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