4/28: Jhumpa Lahiri

Today, we will meet on zoom. Turn on your video if your internet connection is strong enough. First we will go over the final writing assignment, which is due May 8.

Pulitzer Prize-winner Jhumpa Lahiri (1967-present) is the author of The Namesake and Interpreter of Maladies.

Then we will have a full-class discussion of the chapters from Jhumpa Lahiri’s In Other Words.

Do you agree that there is an impossibility to the effort to write in a new language? Why or why not? Especially for those of you who are bilingual, what has the process to learn to write in another language been like? Does Lahiri’s experience resonate with you? If so, how? What differences emerge when you write in different languages? How can we understand Lahiri’s analogy with being deaf and blind to writing in a new language?

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