Formatting and Writing Folder

Outlines and pre-writes can be single-spaced, but every paper you turn in must be in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins all around. I’d rather you be honest and turn in work slightly under the expected page count rather than try to fiddle with formatting. Be sure to use MLA citation style for in-text citations.

Please get yourself a folder that you can devote exclusively to writing assignments for this class. You’ll be turning in your writing in this folder, and every time you turn in a new writing assignment, all of your previous writing assignments and drafts should be in it as well. Please do not use this folder to store other materials and handouts for the class. This will be a way for us to track progress and the application of feedback to progressive drafts.

Given the policy on plagiarism and academic honesty below, you will also submit an electronic copy of each paper via bcourses.