Office Hours and Emailing

We will hold office hours on a regular weekly schedule (see the first page of this document). If you cannot make these scheduled office hours, please email us or see us after class to set up an alternate appointment. You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of office hours with both of us in this course. We encourage you to stop by if something was unclear in class, if there is a topic you’d like to discuss in further detail, or if you have any questions or interests relating to the class, a draft of a paper, revision strategies, etc. Office hours are a great opportunity to strengthen your grasp on this semester’s difficult concepts, so take advantage of them! Please note that we will not respond to substantive paper questions or give detailed feedback about papers-in-progress by email; such discussions must take place in person.

Checking your email regularly will be important in this class. Please make sure you read emails and respond promptly with any questions to ensure effective communication. Please be sure to include us both as the recipients of any email you write. We will get back to emails within 48 hours. Emails asking for detailed assistance with papers will not be accepted; instead, please schedule an office hours appointment, which will be much more productive. You should also check the website on a regular basis; it contains resources for this course and should help with any basic concerns you might have.