
We believe that tutoring can be beneficial for any writer, at any stage during the writing process. If you would like additional help with your writing this semester, the Art of Writing Departmental Tutoring Program offers free tutoring appointments designed specifically for students taking R&C courses in this department. Upper-level majors trained by experienced GSIs in the department are available to help you at any stage of the writing process. Please visit the program website for further information and to make an appointment with a writing tutor: https://writingtutorscomplit.setmore.com.

Another tutoring resource, especially helpful for the mechanics of composition, is free tutoring through the Student Learning Center at the César Chávez Student Center. They can set you up with a tutor with whom you can meet regularly throughout the semester (we recommend setting up this option as early in the semester as possible, as these can book up) or help you on a drop-in basis, depending on what you need. You can find their website here: http://slc.berkeley.edu.