3/5: Ferrante (contd.) and Titles, Introductions, and Conclusions

Today, we’ll give you some time to complete midsemester evaluations. You should be receiving a bcourses Announcement that includes a link to a Google form.

Then, we will be talking together about three crucial parts of college papers. First, we will talk about titles by looking at some actual examples of scholarly articles about Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend.

Next, we will talk about writing introductions and conclusions. Once we have discussed each of them, we will consider as a class how they are different.

For today’s Ferrante discussion, please turn to the person next to you and share what you wrote about for your bcourses post. What came up for each of you while close reading and writing? Are the episodes/moments/scenes you picked similar or different in terms of content? What about in terms of form? We’ll then open up into a group discussion to compare and contrast these.


  • Read My Brilliant Friend: pages 270-331 (the end!)
  • Pick up your Analytical Essay 1 rough drafts with our feedback starting Friday, 3/6 at 4pm. Gianna’s feedback will be in the black plastic folder mailbox outside of 4321 Dwinelle, and Marlena’s feedback will be in the black plastic folder mailbox outside of 4416 Dwinelle.
    • You’ll see handwritten marginal notes and responses to your letter, as well as suggestions for the next draft. You’ll also see a grade for completion of the assignment, along with an “imaginary grade” to give you a sense of where the draft is at. Please don’t hesitate to come to email us or come to office hours with any questions, be it about our handwriting or about anything you’d like to talk through together.
  • Bring in a (printed) complete draft of your Analytical Essay 1 (4-5 pages) for peer review

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